
1. Starter Chest
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1335Potion of Light Heal1017
2335Potion of Light Heal1017
3335Potion of Light Heal1017
4341Potion of Cure Poison56
5144Round Shield110
6235Steel Gauntlets11
76Tarnished Sword81
8769Short Sword25
9125Bundle of Arrows64
10110Short Bow58
11204Quilt Legging52
13132Bullet Stones75
14137Bundle of Quarrels64
15110Short Bow46
16143Buckler Shield29
18159Leather Hauberk217
19346Potion of Mod. Stamina317
20337Potion of Hv. Heal44
21110Short Bow19
22220Feathered Hat83
23103Feather Darts53
25341Potion of Cure Poison13
2699Throwing Knife14
27110Short Bow116
28100Icicle Stix112
29593Amulet of Static15
30125Bundle of Arrows15
31132Bullet Stones15
32126Bundle of Shrike Arrows118
33258Canned Elemental17
34176Tarnished Mail118
35353Stink Bomb120
36447Book of Terror118
37306Boom Bomb117
3846Potion of Dracon Breath13
39762Doom Darts12

2. Monestary Treasure
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1335Potion of Light Heal1017
2335Potion of Light Heal105
3132Bullet Stones95
4125Bundle of Arrows85
5137Bundle of Quarrels83
699Throwing Knife73
9188Suede Pants54
10110Short Bow94
11113Light Crossbow410
12239Chamois Gloves56
13143Buckler Shield78
14185Leather Greaves810
15241Mail Mittens12
1682Quarter Staff46
17143Buckler Shield48
18187Cloth Pants69
19210Steel Helm11
20769Short Sword510
21237Cuir Gauntlets34
22110Short Bow47
23177Chain Hauberk18
24206Chain Chausses16
25144Round Shield11
269Bastard Sword611
28125Bundle of Arrows21
3018Battle Axe88
31188Suede Pants47
32159Leather Hauberk54
346Tarnished Sword42
36353Stink Bomb1019
37358Faerie Dust69
38215Leather Helm107
39158Quilt Tunic61
4052War Hammer31

3. Anna's Chest
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1581Anna's Keycard09
4188Suede Pants87
5157Suede Doublet97
6158Quilt Tunic107
7155Flak Vest37
8166Robes (U) +128
9193Robes (L) +156
10144Round Shield57
11158Quilt Tunic107
12170Fur Halter510
13242Copper Gloves511
14253Tabi Boots320
15445Book of Frost421
16384Scroll of Magic Screen321
17385Scroll of Magic Missiles821
18386Scroll of Terror421
19396Scroll of Fireball721
20404Scroll of Crush218
21353Stink Bomb518
22350Cherry Bomb619
23360Flash Powder819
24359Sneeze Powder1017
2547Potion of Razor Cloak317
26338Potion of Superman417
2746Potion of Dracon Breath717
28341Potion of Cure Poison1017
29337Potion of Hv. Heal717
30336Potion of Mod. Heal817
31335Potion of Light Heal917
32335Potion of Light Heal105
33126Bundle of Shrike Arrows1012
34493Aqua Ring16
35791Shield of Sacrifice15
36138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels25
37137Bundle of Quarrels105
38129Bundle of Viper Arrows35
39126Bundle of Shrike Arrows45
40125Bundle of Arrows101

4. He'Li's Chest
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1583He'Li's Keycard020
2444Book of Energy117
3488Renewal Potion317
446Potion of Dracon Breath818
5258Canned Elemental919
6269Smelling Salts1012
7271Ankh of Might319
8359Sneeze Powder216
9100Icicle Stix516
10332Mana Stone516
11331Knock Picks1016
12429Resurrection Powder516
13102Rocket Stix516
14108Sparkle Stix323
16360Flash Powder318
17349Holy Water821
18386Scroll of Terror421
19396Scroll of Fireball721
20404Scroll of Crush218
21353Stink Bomb518
22350Cherry Bomb619
23360Flash Powder819
24359Sneeze Powder1017
2547Potion of Razor Cloak317
26338Potion of Superman417
2746Potion of Dracon Breath717
28341Potion of Cure Poison1017
29337Potion of Hv. Heal717
30336Potion of Mod. Heal817
31335Potion of Light Heal917
32335Potion of Light Heal1013
33314Anointed Cloak317
34348Potion of Cure Disease521
35428Scroll of Cure Poison15
36138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels25
37137Bundle of Quarrels105
38129Bundle of Viper Arrows35
39126Bundle of Shrike Arrows45
40125Bundle of Arrows101

5. Antone's Chest
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1582Antone's Keycard01
576Awl Pike93
799Throwing Knife33
8106Death Star56
9143Buckler Shield56
10144Round Shield57
11158Quilt Tunic107
12170Fur Halter510
13242Copper Gloves511
14253Tabi Boots320
15372Book of Haste421
16384Scroll of Magic Screen321
17385Scroll of Magic Missiles821
18386Scroll of Terror421
19396Scroll of Fireball76
20801Aqua Shield218
21353Stink Bomb518
22350Cherry Bomb619
23360Flash Powder819
24359Sneeze Powder1017
2547Potion of Razor Cloak317
26338Potion of Superman417
2746Potion of Dracon Breath717
28341Potion of Cure Poison1017
29337Potion of Hv. Heal717
30336Potion of Mod. Heal817
31335Potion of Light Heal917
32335Potion of Light Heal104
33767Doubleshot Sling75
34132Bullet Stones55
35134Impaling Stones15
36138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels25
37137Bundle of Quarrels101
38795Enchanted Longsword35
39126Bundle of Shrike Arrows45
40125Bundle of Arrows101

6. Anna's Vault
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1235Steel Gauntlets117
269Eye for an Eye Potion517
3260Granite Potion717
4336Potion of Mod. Heal1017
5337Potion of Hv. Heal517
6338Potion of Superman617
746Potion of Dracon Breath917
846Potion of Dracon Breath817
9334Potion of Poison Reduction319
10269Smelling Salts419
11357Devil Dust519
12362Dust of Banishment318
13354Ice Bomb518
14351Fire Bomb41
1511Enchanted Broadsword11
17592Wand of Static34
18112Enchanted Bow14
19118Great Bow47
20148Plate Mail (U)37
21154Bronze Cuirass84
22111Long Bow921
23393Scroll of Armorplate621
24395Scroll of Haste12
28181Plate Mail (L)27
29177Chain Hauberk57
30176Tarnished Mail88
31206Chain Chausses69
33273Ankh of Speed312
34267Ring Pro Magic212
35491Tinker's Carryall Bracers112
36274Ankh of Dexterity413
37316Forest Cape56
38790Lithe Buckler25
39138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels35
40129Bundle of Viper Arrows31

7. He'Li's Vault
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
147Potion of Razor Cloak1017
269Eye for an Eye Potion517
3260Granite Potion717
4336Potion of Mod. Heal1017
5337Potion of Hv. Heal517
6338Potion of Superman617
746Potion of Dracon Breath917
846Potion of Dracon Breath817
9334Potion of Poison Reduction317
10598Potion of Guardian Angel419
11357Devil Dust519
12362Dust of Banishment318
13354Ice Bomb518
14351Fire Bomb41
1511Enchanted Broadsword21
17592Wand of Static34
18112Enchanted Bow14
19118Great Bow17
20148Plate Mail (U)37
21154Bronze Cuirass84
22111Long Bow921
23393Scroll of Armorplate621
24395Scroll of Haste13
25764Throwing Stiletto316
26102Rocket Stix84
27112Enchanted Bow38
28181Plate Mail (L)27
29177Chain Hauberk57
30176Tarnished Mail88
31206Chain Chausses69
33199Stud-Cuir Skirt+2320
34369Book of Barriers212
35273Ankh of Speed112
36274Ankh of Dexterity413
37316Forest Cape512
38259Amulet of Life25
39138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels35
40129Bundle of Viper Arrows31

8. Arnika Regular Treasure
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
11Main Gauche71
39Bastard Sword101
10153Leather Cuirass67
11154Bronze Cuirass47
12177Chain Hauberk218
13343Napalm Bomb318
14352Acid Bomb41
15797Gleaming Sword25
16125Bundle of Arrows105
17137Bundle of Quarrels105
18133Spike Stones105
19766Bundle of Precision Arrows105
20136Medusa Stones517
21264Magic Nectar117
22337Potion of Hv. Heal417
23336Potion of Mod. Heal317
24336Potion of Mod. Heal917
25335Potion of Light Heal1017
26335Potion of Light Heal417
27345Potion of Hv. Stamina1017
28346Potion of Mod. Stamina54
30114Heavy Crossbow24
31113Light Crossbow54
32111Long Bow54
33110Short Bow75
34128Bundle of Armor Piercers19
35210Steel Helm105
36127Bundle of Barbed Arrows35
37126Bundle of Shrike Arrows55
38137Bundle of Quarrels105
39132Bullet Stones105
40125Bundle of Arrows101

9. Arnika Good Treasure
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
147Potion of Razor Cloak1017
269Eye for an Eye Potion517
3260Granite Potion717
4336Potion of Mod. Heal1017
5337Potion of Hv. Heal517
6338Potion of Superman617
746Potion of Dracon Breath917
846Potion of Dracon Breath816
9429Resurrection Powder319
10269Smelling Salts419
11357Devil Dust519
12362Dust of Banishment318
13354Ice Bomb518
14351Fire Bomb41
1511Enchanted Broadsword21
17592Wand of Static34
18111Long Bow420
19374Book of Blessings77
20148Plate Mail (U)37
21154Bronze Cuirass84
22114Heavy Crossbow921
23393Scroll of Armorplate621
24395Scroll of Haste12
2573Raven's Bill12
28181Plate Mail (L)27
29177Chain Hauberk57
30176Tarnished Mail88
31206Chain Chausses69
33259Amulet of Life212
34267Ring Pro Magic212
35273Ankh of Speed112
36274Ankh of Dexterity413
37316Forest Cape512
38493Aqua Ring25
39138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels35
40129Bundle of Viper Arrows31

10. Marten's Locker
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1635Marten ID Tag01
36Tarnished Sword93
499Throwing Knife17
5156Cloth Shirt27
6157Suede Doublet77
7158Quilt Tunic108
8187Cloth Pants18
9188Suede Pants58
10189Leather Legging811
13249Leather Boots919
14355Skeleton Powder218
15258Canned Elemental420
16556Book of Sanity10

11. Jail Locker
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
36Tarnished Sword93
499Throwing Knife17
5156Cloth Shirt27
6157Suede Doublet77
7158Quilt Tunic108
8187Cloth Pants18
9188Suede Pants58
10189Leather Legging811
14345Potion of Hv. Stamina99

12. HLL Locker
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1155Flak Vest28
2664Mesh Leggings49
3210Steel Helm61
4663Stun Mace55
5765Bundle of Fear Bolts917
6345Potion of Hv. Stamina1017
7336Potion of Mod. Heal819
8360Flash Powder512
9493Aqua Ring10

13. Statue
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1336Potion of Mod. Heal019
2269Smelling Salts819
3269Smelling Salts516
4429Resurrection Powder317
546Potion of Dracon Breath117
6341Potion of Cure Poison517
7338Potion of Superman517
8346Potion of Mod. Stamina616
9331Knock Picks119
10360Flash Powder218
11306Boom Bomb10

14. umpani locker
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
31Main Gauche57
4153Leather Cuirass58
5185Leather Greaves57
6154Bronze Cuirass38
7185Leather Greaves48
8190Stud Chausses58
9204Quilt Legging911
10249Leather Boots611
11252Chain Hosen223
13317Pickmeup Potion517
14336Potion of Mod. Heal918
15350Cherry Bomb217
16345Potion of Hv. Stamina817
17338Potion of Superman417
18339Potion of Restoration719
19269Smelling Salts919
20359Sneeze Powder35
21125Bundle of Arrows95
22125Bundle of Arrows45
23137Bundle of Quarrels105
24138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels218
25354Ice Bomb15
26141Musket Balls95
27141Musket Balls75
28141Musket Balls45
29141Musket Balls217
30341Potion of Cure Poison922
31410Bread Rolls412
32668Ring of Protection118
33353Stink Bomb17
34156Cloth Shirt98
35187Cloth Pants1011
37132Bullet Stones626
38720Empty Bottle826
39720Empty Bottle426
40720Empty Bottle21

15. umpani cash
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1720Empty Bottle126
2720Empty Bottle123
3474Bonecrusher Brew123
4743Doubleman Draught10

16. umpani booze
No. No. 名前 確率 ?

17. Test Steal Drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1720Empty Bottle015
2682Duct Tape00

18. Raven Rapax
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1658Head of Raven Rapax01
3201Tosei-Do (L)61
440Bushido Blade17
5174Tosei-Do (U)712
6493Aqua Ring312
7274Ankh of Dexterity211
9348Potion of Cure Disease817
10339Potion of Restoration50

19. Life Chest
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1661Necklace of Endurance05
2129Bundle of Viper Arrows55
3131Bundle of Peacemakers25
4130Bundle of Mystic Arrows105
5138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels105
6139Bundle of Lightning Bolts53
7762Doom Darts25
8135Ta-Li Stones105
9134Impaling Stones55
10136Medusa Stones25
11135Ta-Li Stones1017
12337Potion of Hv. Heal1017
13337Potion of Hv. Heal517
14334Potion of Poison Reduction1017
15334Potion of Poison Reduction517
16488Renewal Potion1017
17488Renewal Potion517
18264Magic Nectar217
19341Potion of Cure Poison1017
20341Potion of Cure Poison41
2157Vorpal Blade31
225Thieves Dagger619
23269Smelling Salts87
24150Plate Mail+2 (U)78
25184Ebony Plate (L)59
26232Ebony Heaume312
27788Ring of Regeneration27
28162Jazeraint Tunic613
29679Dragonhide Cloak412
30561Ring of Life1012
31273Ankh of Speed212
32255Amulet of Spiders812
33259Amulet of Life104
34112Enchanted Bow37
35167Robes of Enchant(U)44
36771Strong Bow1011
38469Bonebasher Staff21
39772The Mauler41
4037Estoc De Olivia11

20. Chaos Chest
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1168Black Gown of Death(U)05
2127Bundle of Barbed Arrows55
3131Bundle of Peacemakers25
4130Bundle of Mystic Arrows105
5138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels105
6139Bundle of Lightning Bolts53
7762Doom Darts25
8133Spike Stones105
9134Impaling Stones55
10136Medusa Stones25
11135Ta-Li Stones1017
12337Potion of Hv. Heal1017
13337Potion of Hv. Heal517
14348Potion of Cure Disease1017
15341Potion of Cure Poison517
16488Renewal Potion106
17789Rainbow Shield917
18264Magic Nectar217
19260Granite Potion1017
2046Potion of Dracon Breath41
2160Sword of Fire31
23167Robes of Enchant(U)87
24150Plate Mail+2 (U)78
25184Ebony Plate (L)59
26232Ebony Heaume38
27194Robes of Enchant(L)98
28207Chain Mail+1 (L)613
29679Dragonhide Cloak412
30668Ring of Protection1012
31273Ankh of Speed212
32255Amulet of Spiders812
33259Amulet of Life104
34112Enchanted Bow34
35771Strong Bow418
36258Canned Elemental106
37142Dragon Kite51
38786Enchanted Katana82
3981Zatoichi Bo42
4074Faust Halberd21

21. Knowledge Chest
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1754Brilliant Helm05
2127Bundle of Barbed Arrows55
3131Bundle of Peacemakers25
4130Bundle of Mystic Arrows105
5138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels105
6139Bundle of Lightning Bolts51
714Crusader's 2H Axe +125
8135Ta-Li Stones105
9134Impaling Stones55
10136Medusa Stones29
11233Crusader Helm1017
12337Potion of Hv. Heal1017
13337Potion of Hv. Heal517
14341Potion of Cure Poison1016
15429Resurrection Powder517
16488Renewal Potion1017
17488Renewal Potion517
18264Magic Nectar217
19341Potion of Cure Poison1017
20341Potion of Cure Poison412
21271Ankh of Might31
2251Enchanted Wakizashi616
23342Cure Paralysis Powder87
24150Plate Mail+2 (U)78
25184Ebony Plate (L)59
26232Ebony Heaume310
27238Silken Gloves911
28244Silver Sollerets613
29679Dragonhide Cloak412
30668Ring of Protection1012
31273Ankh of Speed212
32255Amulet of Spiders812
33262Ring of Sanity1012
34311Bracers of Defense33
35764Throwing Stiletto413
36315Cloak of Perception1012
37284Valentine Necklace52
3878Spear of Death22
3981Zatoichi Bo42
4074Faust Halberd11

22. Body Chest
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1130Bundle of Mystic Arrows105
2127Bundle of Barbed Arrows55
3131Bundle of Peacemakers25
4130Bundle of Mystic Arrows105
5138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels105
6139Bundle of Lightning Bolts55
7137Bundle of Quarrels25
8133Spike Stones105
9134Impaling Stones55
10136Medusa Stones25
11135Ta-Li Stones1017
12337Potion of Hv. Heal1017
13337Potion of Hv. Heal517
14334Potion of Poison Reduction1017
15334Potion of Poison Reduction517
16488Renewal Potion1017
17488Renewal Potion517
18264Magic Nectar217
19341Potion of Cure Poison1017
20341Potion of Cure Poison46
21789Rainbow Shield51
225Thieves Dagger619
23269Smelling Salts87
24150Plate Mail+2 (U)78
25184Ebony Plate (L)59
26232Ebony Heaume310
27235Steel Gauntlets911
28251Mantis Boots613
29679Dragonhide Cloak412
30668Ring of Protection1012
31273Ankh of Speed212
32255Amulet of Spiders812
33259Amulet of Life104
34112Enchanted Bow34
36141Musket Balls105
37141Musket Balls52
3981Zatoichi Bo42
4074Faust Halberd21

23. Amit Chest
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
146Potion of Dracon Breath105
2127Bundle of Barbed Arrows55
3131Bundle of Peacemakers25
4130Bundle of Mystic Arrows105
5138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels105
6139Bundle of Lightning Bolts517
769Eye for an Eye Potion25
8133Spike Stones105
9134Impaling Stones55
10136Medusa Stones25
11135Ta-Li Stones1017
12337Potion of Hv. Heal1017
13337Potion of Hv. Heal517
14334Potion of Poison Reduction1017
15334Potion of Poison Reduction517
16488Renewal Potion1017
17488Renewal Potion517
18264Magic Nectar217
19341Potion of Cure Poison1017
20341Potion of Cure Poison416
21429Resurrection Powder318
22258Canned Elemental619
23269Smelling Salts819
24362Dust of Banishment719
25355Skeleton Powder518
26343Napalm Bomb318
27356Death Bomb917
2869Eye for an Eye Potion618
29351Fire Bomb412
30668Ring of Protection1012
31254Amulet of Healing212
32255Amulet of Spiders812
33259Amulet of Life1016
34342Cure Paralysis Powder320
35545Book of Whirlwinds420
36546Book of Insight1020
37519Book of Chameleons518
38258Canned Elemental217
39488Renewal Potion413
40667Oilskin Cloak21

24. Monastery coffins
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1335Potion of Light Heal717
2335Potion of Light Heal75
3132Bullet Stones95
4125Bundle of Arrows105
5137Bundle of Quarrels105
6125Bundle of Arrows73
9188Suede Pants54
10110Short Bow94
11113Light Crossbow410
12239Chamois Gloves512
13496Ring of Breezes38
14185Leather Greaves810
15241Mail Mittens32
17790Lithe Buckler112
18494Brimstone Ring217
1946Potion of Dracon Breath611
20249Leather Boots510
21237Cuir Gauntlets34
22110Short Bow41
23786Enchanted Katana11
24797Gleaming Sword36
25147Heater Shield21
269Bastard Sword69
27775Puck's Cap25
28125Bundle of Arrows21
29795Enchanted Longsword11
3018Battle Axe819
31358Faerie Dust47
32159Leather Hauberk54
36133Spike Stones1018
37349Holy Water69
38215Leather Helm107
39158Quilt Tunic65
40125Bundle of Arrows30

25. Demon Weapons
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
3254Amulet of Healing112
4299Aromatic Salts512
5312Filcher's Band39
6210Steel Helm911
8307Skull Bones212
9274Ankh of Dexterity412
10271Ankh of Might212
11496Ring of Breezes219
12355Skeleton Powder118
13349Holy Water712
14254Amulet of Healing17
15154Bronze Cuirass57
16177Chain Hauberk310
17235Steel Gauntlets25
18125Bundle of Arrows921
19384Scroll of Magic Screen621
20425Scroll of Identify85
21125Bundle of Arrows85
22126Bundle of Shrike Arrows45
23138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels71
25143Buckler Shield71
2719Anointed Flail73
28103Feather Darts517
29264Magic Nectar417
30260Granite Potion11
31786Enchanted Katana212
32593Amulet of Static30

26. Monastery Tomb chests
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1341Potion of Cure Poison1017
246Potion of Dracon Breath917
3338Potion of Superman817
4336Potion of Mod. Heal1017
5336Potion of Mod. Heal517
6329Potion of Haste71
719Anointed Flail21
91Main Gauche61
1023Morning Star419
11359Sneeze Powder319
12360Flash Powder21
13795Enchanted Longsword15
14138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels95
15134Impaling Stones85
16125Bundle of Arrows103
1799Throwing Knife53
18104Poison Dart73
20764Throwing Stiletto38
21205Oliveskin Leggings612
22495Granite Ring512
23273Ankh of Speed212
24499Locket of Reflection912
25668Ring of Protection71
29786Enchanted Katana12
33166Robes (U) +117
34158Quilt Tunic58
35185Leather Greaves79
37239Chamois Gloves91
40111Long Bow70

27. Monastery Assistant
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1594Crude Iron Key017
246Potion of Dracon Breath317
3338Potion of Superman817
4336Potion of Mod. Heal1015
5683Lightning Rod017
6329Potion of Haste718
7258Canned Elemental118
8351Fire Bomb518
9353Stink Bomb65
10133Spike Stones419
11359Sneeze Powder319
12360Flash Powder25
13126Bundle of Shrike Arrows15
14138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels95
15134Impaling Stones85
16125Bundle of Arrows103
1799Throwing Knife53
18104Poison Dart73
2099Throwing Knife312
21593Amulet of Static512
22495Granite Ring212
23273Ankh of Speed212
24499Locket of Reflection712
25668Ring of Protection61
27769Short Sword31
29796Enchanted Mace62
3080Hayai Bo21
3111Enchanted Broadsword11
32797Gleaming Sword87
33166Robes (U) +137
34172Breast Plate58
35185Leather Greaves71
37239Chamois Gloves101
40111Long Bow70

28. Helm of Serenity Chest
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1569Helm of Serenity017
2336Potion of Mod. Heal1017
3337Potion of Hv. Heal104
4113Light Crossbow51
6318Shadow Cloak81
8159Leather Hauberk27
9166Robes (U) +168
10193Robes (L) +158
11204Quilt Legging521
12407Scroll of Rest All810
13239Chamois Gloves718
14352Acid Bomb69
16190Stud Chausses419
17362Dust of Banishment31
18676Doublestrike Dagger21
1920Zizka Star38
20186Bronze Greaves810
21235Steel Gauntlets72
2288Staff of Blessing321
23404Scroll of Crush82
2476Awl Pike102
2577Mystic Spear52
2784Holy Basher19
28419Helm of Insight113
29679Dragonhide Cloak21
31100Icicle Stix95
32126Bundle of Shrike Arrows816
33331Knock Picks51
3442Wand of Winds212
35287Amulet of Rainbows15
36138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels45
37126Bundle of Shrike Arrows75
38135Ta-Li Stones218
39258Canned Elemental119
40360Flash Powder61

29. Monastery Road Chest
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1335Potion of Light Heal1017
2336Potion of Mod. Heal105
3132Bullet Stones95
4125Bundle of Arrows85
5137Bundle of Quarrels81
64Poison Dagger53
9188Suede Pants54
10110Short Bow94
11113Light Crossbow410
12239Chamois Gloves56
13143Buckler Shield78
14185Leather Greaves81
15795Enchanted Longsword22
17144Round Shield08
18187Cloth Pants610
19235Steel Gauntlets111
20249Leather Boots510
21241Mail Mittens31
22796Enchanted Mace27
23153Leather Cuirass48
24181Plate Mail (L)36
25790Lithe Buckler11
2617Bearded War Axe61
27786Enchanted Katana25
28129Bundle of Viper Arrows21
2923Morning Star61
3052War Hammer88
31193Robes (L) +147
32161Studded Hauberk51
33796Enchanted Mace47
34153Leather Cuirass42
36353Stink Bomb1019
37358Faerie Dust69
38215Leather Helm107
39161Studded Hauberk614
40565Piercing Pipes00

30. Slime drops
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1335Potion of Light Heal1017
2335Potion of Light Heal1017
3335Potion of Light Heal1017
4341Potion of Cure Poison51
6235Steel Gauntlets11
71Main Gauche89
8210Steel Helm25
9125Bundle of Arrows619
10269Smelling Salts58
11204Quilt Legging51
13132Bullet Stones75
14137Bundle of Quarrels64
15110Short Bow417
16264Magic Nectar29
18239Chamois Gloves217
19346Potion of Mod. Stamina317
20337Potion of Hv. Heal417
21337Potion of Hv. Heal19
22220Feathered Hat83
23103Feather Darts53
25341Potion of Cure Poison13
26764Throwing Stiletto119
27269Smelling Salts119
28357Devil Dust119
29364Concussion Powder117
3047Potion of Razor Cloak117
3169Eye for an Eye Potion117
32260Granite Potion117
33338Potion of Superman117
34348Potion of Cure Disease117
35488Renewal Potion118
36258Canned Elemental118
37306Boom Bomb117
3846Potion of Dracon Breath13
3999Throwing Knife11
4021War Scepter81

31. Arnika Trynton Chest
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1335Potion of Light Heal1017
2335Potion of Light Heal105
3132Bullet Stones95
4125Bundle of Arrows85
5137Bundle of Quarrels83
699Throwing Knife73
9188Suede Pants54
10110Short Bow94
11113Light Crossbow410
12239Chamois Gloves56
13143Buckler Shield78
14185Leather Greaves811
17793Thieves Buckler28
18187Cloth Pants610
19235Steel Gauntlets211
20249Leather Boots510
21241Mail Mittens34
22112Enchanted Bow17
23171Stud-Cuir Bra+248
24181Plate Mail (L)36
25147Heater Shield41
2617Bearded War Axe611
27244Silver Sollerets25
28129Bundle of Viper Arrows21
2923Morning Star61
3052War Hammer88
31193Robes (L) +147
32160Oliveskin Doublet56
33802Shield of Winds52
3488Staff of Blessing42
36353Stink Bomb1019
37358Faerie Dust69
38215Leather Helm107
39161Studded Hauberk61
40797Gleaming Sword31

32. Graveyard Chest
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1335Potion of Light Heal1017
2335Potion of Light Heal105
3132Bullet Stones95
4125Bundle of Arrows85
5137Bundle of Quarrels83
699Throwing Knife73
8212Helm & Coif58
9181Plate Mail (L)54
10111Long Bow94
11114Heavy Crossbow46
12147Heater Shield56
13143Buckler Shield78
14186Bronze Greaves811
17143Buckler Shield98
18189Leather Legging610
19242Copper Gloves211
20252Chain Hosen510
21235Steel Gauntlets34
22112Enchanted Bow17
23177Chain Hauberk48
24181Plate Mail (L)36
25790Lithe Buckler31
2617Bearded War Axe611
27244Silver Sollerets15
28129Bundle of Viper Arrows21
2923Morning Star61
30798Cutlass of the Damned57
31166Robes (U) +147
32161Studded Hauberk54
33117Wrist Rocket42
3476Awl Pike41
36353Stink Bomb1019
37358Faerie Dust618
38258Canned Elemental1019
39361Dust of Defection617
40348Potion of Cure Disease01

33. Rapax King Chest
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
158Blade Cuisinart41
2675The Ripper72
373Raven's Bill63
4106Death Star117
547Potion of Razor Cloak72
674Faust Halberd31
748Coil of The Serpent19
8232Ebony Heaume18
9184Ebony Plate (L)312
10270Cameo Locket61
1151Enchanted Wakizashi38
12202Hi-Kane-Do (L)57
13175Hi-Kane-Do (U)513
14315Cloak of Perception39
16310Stone of New Life86
17142Dragon Kite712
18305Bag of Death319
19355Skeleton Powder51
20591Thunder Stick412
21277Ankh of Death88
22182Plate Mail+2 (L)41
2345Staff Pro Paralysis612
24256Amulet of Stillness212
25294Gem of Power621
26404Scroll of Crush421
27425Scroll of Identify85
28130Bundle of Mystic Arrows45
29139Bundle of Lightning Bolts76
30789Rainbow Shield23
31764Throwing Stiletto81
33356Death Bomb819
34360Flash Powder219
35363Pandemonium Powder517
36264Magic Nectar817
37348Potion of Cure Disease617
38345Potion of Hv. Stamina717
39488Renewal Potion817
40337Potion of Hv. Heal90

34. Rapax Queen Chest
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1457Ornate Metal Rod013
2574Cape of Stealth07
3167Robes of Enchant(U)98
4194Robes of Enchant(L)91
541Muramasa Blade32
681Zatoichi Bo41
716Blades of Aesir212
8254Amulet of Healing512
9280Garland of Roses11
1024Maiden Head62
1184Holy Basher31
13276Ankh of Life219
14363Pandemonium Powder712
15275Ankh of Sanctity88
16199Stud-Cuir Skirt+255
17130Bundle of Mystic Arrows85
18129Bundle of Viper Arrows95
19139Bundle of Lightning Bolts75
20136Medusa Stones811
21253Tabi Boots917
22598Potion of Guardian Angel37
23463Red Silk Gown018
24350Cherry Bomb09
25221Phrygian Cap09
26222Flynn's Cap010
27240Mantis Gloves01
28676Doublestrike Dagger020
29541Book of Souls020
30558Book of Toxic Cloud020
31550Book of Heal All020
32554Book of Purification017
33339Potion of Restoration017
34348Potion of Cure Disease017
35345Potion of Hv. Stamina017
36337Potion of Hv. Heal019
37364Concussion Powder021
38384Scroll of Magic Screen021
39402Scroll of Resurrect021
40425Scroll of Identify00

35. Rapax Servant Chest
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1340Fuzzfas Fizzer923
2743Doubleman Draught817
3337Potion of Hv. Heal1017
4345Potion of Hv. Stamina1017
547Potion of Razor Cloak917
6338Potion of Superman817
7339Potion of Restoration75
8128Bundle of Armor Piercers75
9138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels75
10134Impaling Stones73
11104Poison Dart623
12474Bonecrusher Brew522
13410Bread Rolls818
14343Napalm Bomb418
15351Fire Bomb418
16356Death Bomb319
17364Concussion Powder319
18363Pandemonium Powder220
19531Book of Rocks120
20534Book of Crushing10

36. Castle Chest
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1453King's Apartment Key015
2682Duct Tape026
3720Empty Bottle00

37. umpani regular
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
2127Bundle of Barbed Arrows82
4170Fur Halter811
6100Icicle Stix101
817Bearded War Axe88
9188Suede Pants77
10153Leather Cuirass1017
11341Potion of Cure Poison911
12249Leather Boots99
13227Mail Coif721
14392Scroll of Missile Shield69
15217Cap of Wiles221
16390Scroll of Freeze Flesh621
17393Scroll of Armorplate818
18354Ice Bomb56
19147Heater Shield919
20361Dust of Defection55
21133Spike Stones921
22396Scroll of Fireball418
23356Death Bomb310
24242Copper Gloves54
25794Greenwood Bow21
26796Enchanted Mace29
27213Bascinet & Camail320
28426Book of Traps34
29117Wrist Rocket15
30131Bundle of Peacemakers212
31499Locket of Reflection81
3211Enchanted Broadsword22
3378Spear of Death21
3536Sword of Hearts112
36262Ring of Sanity112
37272Ankh of Youth112
38274Ankh of Dexterity14
39113Light Crossbow74

38. umpani good
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
4124Blunder Buss15
5141Musket Balls105
6141Musket Balls55
7141Musket Balls15
8141Musket Balls61
94Poison Dagger111
10252Chain Hosen923
11744Tincture of Shadows817
12338Potion of Superman721
13394Scroll of Enchanted Blade921
14405Scroll of Insanity819
15364Concussion Powder76
16800Brimstone Shield58
17185Leather Greaves818
18351Fire Bomb721
19425Scroll of Identify620
20441Book of Itching57
21177Chain Hauberk65
22139Bundle of Lightning Bolts512
23284Valentine Necklace110
24242Copper Gloves67
25148Plate Mail (U)52
27226Burgonet Helm312
28492Ring of the Road417
29488Renewal Potion37
30178Chain Mail+1 (U)220
31382Book of Relics21
33402Scroll of Resurrect612
34263Ring of Resounding52
3587Staff of Charming44
36114Heavy Crossbow38
37206Chain Chausses212
38311Bracers of Defense19
4033Sword of 4 Winds10

39. Rapax Castle Regular
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
178Spear of Death107
3148Plate Mail (U)77
4163Chamail Doublet+258
5181Plate Mail (L)78
6191Chamail Pants+251
711Enchanted Broadsword81
812Saint Bastard311
9252Chain Hosen79
11174Tosei-Do (U)38
12201Tosei-Do (L)318
13351Fire Bomb621
14402Scroll of Resurrect39
15212Helm & Coif112
16284Valentine Necklace14
17112Enchanted Bow312
18254Amulet of Healing112
19492Ring of the Road112
20491Tinker's Carryall Bracers35
21128Bundle of Armor Piercers105
22129Bundle of Viper Arrows55
23765Bundle of Fear Bolts105
24138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels55
25134Impaling Stones105
26135Ta-Li Stones56
27800Brimstone Shield521
28392Scroll of Missile Shield821
29396Scroll of Fireball723
30474Bonecrusher Brew211
32529Book of the Dark Hound420
33538Book of Retaliation220
34530Book of Silence320
35525Book of Screens517
3669Eye for an Eye Potion617
37264Magic Nectar817
38345Potion of Hv. Stamina917
39341Potion of Cure Poison717
40337Potion of Hv. Heal101

40. Rapax Castle Good
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
111Enchanted Broadsword101
224Maiden Head41
345Staff Pro Paralysis11
5675The Ripper119
6362Dust of Banishment86
7789Rainbow Shield29
8228Coif of Divinemail47
9179Gown(U) of Divinemail48
10208Gown(L) of Divinemail410
11240Mantis Gloves36
12144Round Shield92
14469Bonebasher Staff913
15679Dragonhide Cloak512
16499Locket of Reflection812
17271Ankh of Might912
18273Ankh of Speed319
19357Devil Dust918
20258Canned Elemental15
21130Bundle of Mystic Arrows105
22136Medusa Stones105
23139Bundle of Lightning Bolts103
24106Death Star63
25764Throwing Stiletto67
26166Robes (U) +198
27193Robes (L) +191
2814Crusader's 2H Axe +111
2957Vorpal Blade28
30197Chamois Skirt41
3137Estoc De Olivia120
32558Book of Toxic Cloud620
33556Book of Sanity520
34551Book of Hexes416
35342Cure Paralysis Powder816
36429Resurrection Powder717
3769Eye for an Eye Potion717
38345Potion of Hv. Stamina1017
39264Magic Nectar1017
40337Potion of Hv. Heal100

41. Rapax Castle Concubine
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1171Stud-Cuir Bra+202
294Cat'o Nine Tails07
3166Robes (U) +188
4193Robes (L) +182
614Crusader's 2H Axe +1212
7288Golden Medallion11
85Thieves Dagger310
9241Mail Mittens87
10168Black Gown of Death(U)28
11195Black Gown of Death(L)220
12524Book of Lures520
13535Book of Disease Cures620
14483Book of Razors720
15519Book of Chameleons410
16238Silken Gloves17
17161Studded Hauberk51
1844Stave of Silence21
1942Wand of Winds419
20361Dust of Defection81
2115Axe of Many Runes112
22668Ring of Protection19
23230Ninja Cowl58
24191Chamail Pants+2110
25239Chamois Gloves513
26667Oilskin Cloak51
27786Enchanted Katana511
28807Winged Boots59
29214Wizard's Cone56
30790Lithe Buckler56
31792Philosopher's Shield44
32794Greenwood Bow512
33276Ankh of Life45
34129Bundle of Viper Arrows95
35136Medusa Stones93
36106Death Star93
37764Throwing Stiletto920
38544Book of Fiery Rings220
39554Book of Purification120
40426Book of Traps51

42. Trynton Good
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1125Bundle of Arrows105
2126Bundle of Shrike Arrows55
3127Bundle of Barbed Arrows35
4129Bundle of Viper Arrows25
5132Bullet Stones95
6133Spike Stones75
7134Impaling Stones45
8136Medusa Stones25
9137Bundle of Quarrels105
10138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels55
11139Bundle of Lightning Bolts27
12148Plate Mail (U)47
13153Leather Cuirass84
14111Long Bow84
15114Heavy Crossbow94
16115Seige Arbalest12
1776Awl Pike62
1877Mystic Spear49
20221Phrygian Cap39
21222Flynn's Cap11
225Thieves Dagger11
24104Poison Dart93
26315Cloak of Perception37
27180Ninja Garb (U)61
2811Enchanted Broadsword312
29286Amulet Pro Magic112
30310Stone of New Life117
31264Magic Nectar420
32442Book of Sleep517
33347Potion of Cure Light Condition617
34598Potion of Guardian Angel717
3546Potion of Dracon Breath512
36493Aqua Ring516
37429Resurrection Powder812
38278Ankh of Healing116
39100Icicle Stix106
40793Thieves Buckler20

43. Trynton Regular
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1125Bundle of Arrows105
2126Bundle of Shrike Arrows55
3132Bullet Stones85
4133Spike Stones35
5137Bundle of Quarrels105
6138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels54
7117Wrist Rocket53
9103Feather Darts93
1099Throwing Knife51
114Poison Dagger61
129Bastard Sword81
1323Morning Star106
14799Granite Shield22
1776Awl Pike57
18153Leather Cuirass47
19154Bronze Cuirass28
20185Leather Greaves78
21186Bronze Greaves39
24265Mystic's Ring12
2573Raven's Bill117
26336Potion of Mod. Heal917
27337Potion of Hv. Heal91
28796Enchanted Mace520
29378Book of Removal221
30402Scroll of Resurrect821
31396Scroll of Fireball721
32388Scroll of Slow621
33390Scroll of Freeze Flesh417
34341Potion of Cure Poison518
35353Stink Bomb319
36359Sneeze Powder817
37339Potion of Restoration517
3846Potion of Dracon Breath312
39668Ring of Protection117
40264Magic Nectar21

44. Trang good
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
198Shock Rod105
2128Bundle of Armor Piercers92
397Stun Rod31
5676Doublestrike Dagger917
6337Potion of Hv. Heal1017
7337Potion of Hv. Heal517
8341Potion of Cure Poison81
1044Stave of Silence910
11236Silver Gloves79
12224Mitre De Sanct621
13389Scroll of Knock Knock1014
14590Horn of Fear17
15173Do-Maru (U)18
16200Do-Maru (L)19
17232Ebony Heaume49
19178Chain Mail+1 (U)720
20542Book of Summoning217
21488Renewal Potion95
22127Bundle of Barbed Arrows720
23449Book of Holding51
25182Plate Mail+2 (L)25
26127Bundle of Barbed Arrows75
27139Bundle of Lightning Bolts85
28135Ta-Li Stones66
29790Lithe Buckler37
30150Plate Mail+2 (U)219
31355Skeleton Powder43
32762Doom Darts58
33182Plate Mail+2 (L)218
34258Canned Elemental110
35236Silver Gloves817
36329Potion of Haste56
37142Dragon Kite413
38318Shadow Cloak87
39167Robes of Enchant(U)612
40285Amulet of Asphyxiate10

45. Trang regular
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
128Short Staff105
2126Bundle of Shrike Arrows92
382Quarter Staff31
5677Hand Axe917
6335Potion of Light Heal1017
7336Potion of Mod. Heal517
8341Potion of Cure Poison81
923Morning Star21
11241Mail Mittens79
12214Wizard's Cone621
13389Scroll of Knock Knock1014
14590Horn of Fear17
15173Do-Maru (U)18
16200Do-Maru (L)19
17212Helm & Coif49
19161Studded Hauberk720
20445Book of Frost217
21339Potion of Restoration95
22125Bundle of Arrows720
23370Book of Knocks51
25191Chamail Pants+225
26126Bundle of Shrike Arrows75
27138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels85
28133Spike Stones618
29349Holy Water37
30148Plate Mail (U)219
31357Devil Dust43
32762Doom Darts58
33181Plate Mail (L)218
34258Canned Elemental110
35242Copper Gloves817
3646Potion of Dracon Breath56
37143Buckler Shield413
38318Shadow Cloak87
39167Robes of Enchant(U)612
40285Amulet of Asphyxiate11

46. Swamp Good
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1240Mantis Gloves105
2128Bundle of Armor Piercers910
3235Steel Gauntlets31
5676Doublestrike Dagger917
6337Potion of Hv. Heal1017
7337Potion of Hv. Heal517
8341Potion of Cure Poison81
1044Stave of Silence910
11236Silver Gloves79
12224Mitre De Sanct621
13389Scroll of Knock Knock1014
14590Horn of Fear17
15173Do-Maru (U)18
16200Do-Maru (L)19
17232Ebony Heaume49
19178Chain Mail+1 (U)720
20542Book of Summoning217
21488Renewal Potion95
22127Bundle of Barbed Arrows720
23449Book of Holding51
25182Plate Mail+2 (L)25
26127Bundle of Barbed Arrows75
27139Bundle of Lightning Bolts85
28135Ta-Li Stones618
29350Cherry Bomb37
30150Plate Mail+2 (U)219
31355Skeleton Powder43
32762Doom Darts58
33182Plate Mail+2 (L)218
34258Canned Elemental110
35236Silver Gloves817
36329Potion of Haste56
37142Dragon Kite413
38318Shadow Cloak87
39167Robes of Enchant(U)612
40285Amulet of Asphyxiate10

47. Swamp Regular
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
128Short Staff105
2126Bundle of Shrike Arrows92
382Quarter Staff31
5677Hand Axe917
6335Potion of Light Heal1017
7336Potion of Mod. Heal517
8341Potion of Cure Poison81
923Morning Star21
11241Mail Mittens79
12214Wizard's Cone621
13389Scroll of Knock Knock1014
14590Horn of Fear17
15173Do-Maru (U)18
16200Do-Maru (L)19
17212Helm & Coif49
19161Studded Hauberk720
20445Book of Frost217
21339Potion of Restoration95
22125Bundle of Arrows720
23370Book of Knocks51
25191Chamail Pants+225
26126Bundle of Shrike Arrows75
27138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels85
28133Spike Stones618
29349Holy Water37
30148Plate Mail (U)219
31357Devil Dust43
32762Doom Darts58
33181Plate Mail (L)218
34258Canned Elemental110
35242Copper Gloves817
3646Potion of Dracon Breath56
37143Buckler Shield413
38318Shadow Cloak87
39167Robes of Enchant(U)612
40285Amulet of Asphyxiate11

48. Bayjin Good
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1121Frontier Phaser51
262*Light* *Sword*16
3146*Light* *Shield*21
4798Cutlass of the Damned56
5801Aqua Shield55
6139Bundle of Lightning Bolts31
743Stave of 12 Stars115
9289Emerald Talisman44
10122Mystery Ray32
12408Scroll of Heal All82
1388Staff of Blessing21
15160Oliveskin Doublet519
16282Dust of Dessication52
18598Potion of Guardian Angel95
19126Bundle of Shrike Arrows75
20128Bundle of Armor Piercers85
21138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels85
22139Bundle of Lightning Bolts15
23134Impaling Stones55
24136Medusa Stones617
25336Potion of Mod. Heal917
26337Potion of Hv. Heal817
27341Potion of Cure Poison917
28348Potion of Cure Disease817
29346Potion of Mod. Stamina917
30264Magic Nectar517
3147Potion of Razor Cloak817
3269Eye for an Eye Potion417
33260Granite Potion46
34144Round Shield69
35210Steel Helm28
36181Plate Mail (L)31
37665Disruptor Mace48
38664Mesh Leggings420
39371Book of Detection820
40544Book of Fiery Rings40

49. Bayjin Regular
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
177Mystic Spear102
278Spear of Death37
3161Studded Hauberk810
4239Chamois Gloves66
5791Shield of Sacrifice41
657Vorpal Blade217
7345Potion of Hv. Stamina917
8337Potion of Hv. Heal105
9128Bundle of Armor Piercers85
10138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels95
11134Impaling Stones93
13762Doom Darts816
14429Resurrection Powder618
15353Stink Bomb19
16227Mail Coif48
17186Bronze Greaves81
1825Diamond Eyes31
20177Chain Hauberk818
21352Acid Bomb91
23212Helm & Coif61
25292Pk Crystal61
27668Ring of Protection421
28403Scroll of Armormelt421
29406Scroll of Remove Curse47
30163Chamail Doublet+238
31191Chamail Pants+2212
32267Ring Pro Magic112
33273Ankh of Speed38
34182Plate Mail+2 (L)212
35257Amulet of Airs111
36251Mantis Boots110
37240Mantis Gloves121
38425Scroll of Identify320
39444Book of Energy220
40447Book of Terror11

50. Bayjin Nessie Chest
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
2788Ring of Regeneration94
3118Great Bow77
4178Chain Mail+1 (U)69
5224Mitre De Sanct212
6266Ring Pro Frost512
7293Bat Necklace512
8491Tinker's Carryall Bracers512
9492Ring of the Road512
10312Filcher's Band412
11499Locket of Reflection98
12208Gown(L) of Divinemail27
13179Gown(U) of Divinemail29
14228Coif of Divinemail211
1620Zizka Star620
17439Book of Corrosion121
18384Scroll of Magic Screen93
19106Death Star72
2078Spear of Death419
21357Devil Dust920
22550Book of Heal All820
23522Book of Fireballs720
24441Book of Itching620
25538Book of Retaliation520
26540Book of Ice42
2773Raven's Bill12
2874Faust Halberd11
2944Stave of Silence31
3012Saint Bastard21
3124Maiden Head17
32177Chain Hauberk98
33190Stud Chausses81
3415Axe of Many Runes317
35488Renewal Potion617
36348Potion of Cure Disease516
37429Resurrection Powder417
38345Potion of Hv. Stamina817
39337Potion of Hv. Heal717
40337Potion of Hv. Heal80

51. Sea Caves Good
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
2150Plate Mail+2 (U)37
3151Plate Mail+3 (U)27
4152Ebony Plate (U)17
5167Robes of Enchant(U)48
6182Plate Mail+2 (L)08
7183Plate Mail+3 (L)08
8184Ebony Plate (L)18
9194Robes of Enchant(L)43
10762Doom Darts86
11142Dragon Kite36
12144Round Shield79
13233Crusader Helm29
15227Mail Coif91
165Thieves Dagger113
17315Cloak of Perception31
1860Sword of Fire51
1933Sword of 4 Winds112
20280Garland of Roses112
21281Silver Cross212
22254Amulet of Healing11
2337Estoc De Olivia112
24256Amulet of Stillness412
25294Gem of Power412
26312Filcher's Band612
27493Aqua Ring712
28494Brimstone Ring717
29337Potion of Hv. Heal1017
30345Potion of Hv. Stamina1017
31264Magic Nectar717
32488Renewal Potion617
33317Pickmeup Potion820
34543Book of Superman320
35530Book of Silence220
36549Book of Freeze All420
37554Book of Purification318
38258Canned Elemental218
39343Napalm Bomb618
40352Acid Bomb100

52. Sea Caves Regular
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
2675The Ripper21
4665Disruptor Mace51
5786Enchanted Katana62
677Mystic Spear32
781Zatoichi Bo32
987Staff of Charming57
10163Chamail Doublet+217
11154Bronze Cuirass78
12186Bronze Greaves78
13191Chamail Pants+2113
14319Midnight Cloak29
15224Mitre De Sanct24
16771Strong Bow54
17115Seige Arbalest45
18129Bundle of Viper Arrows105
19139Bundle of Lightning Bolts105
20136Medusa Stones1017
21337Potion of Hv. Heal917
22345Potion of Hv. Stamina917
23488Renewal Potion617
2447Potion of Razor Cloak520
25525Book of Screens420
26541Book of Souls320
27482Book of Missiles220
28515Book of Slowness512
29777Ring of Beasts312
30311Bracers of Defense512
31277Ankh of Death31
32591Thunder Stick313
33313Death Shroud119
34269Smelling Salts619
35362Dust of Banishment718
36349Holy Water1017
37338Potion of Superman521
38384Scroll of Magic Screen621
39425Scroll of Identify1021
40406Scroll of Remove Curse71

53. Rift Good
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1150Plate Mail+2 (U)47
2151Plate Mail+3 (U)27
3174Tosei-Do (U)57
4163Chamail Doublet+227
5179Gown(U) of Divinemail17
6148Plate Mail (U)58
7181Plate Mail (L)58
8182Plate Mail+2 (L)28
9183Plate Mail+3 (L)18
10191Chamail Pants+218
11208Gown(L) of Divinemail18
12201Tosei-Do (L)38
13202Hi-Kane-Do (L)18
14207Chain Mail+1 (L)77
15175Hi-Kane-Do (U)19
16419Helm of Insight39
17227Mail Coif810
18241Mail Mittens710
19240Mantis Gloves31
20772The Mauler11
2160Sword of Fire11
2211Enchanted Broadsword51
2452War Hammer917
25337Potion of Hv. Heal1017
26345Potion of Hv. Stamina917
27264Magic Nectar617
28348Potion of Cure Disease817
2969Eye for an Eye Potion721
30388Scroll of Slow1021
31403Scroll of Armormelt921
32402Scroll of Resurrect420
33548Book of Dessication220
34550Book of Heal All320
35475Book of Blinding218
36354Ice Bomb818
37356Death Bomb518
38352Acid Bomb712
39499Locket of Reflection612
40262Ring of Sanity40

54. Rift Regular
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
2162Jazeraint Tunic17
3163Chamail Doublet+227
4166Robes (U) +117
5166Robes (U) +127
6173Do-Maru (U)38
7191Chamail Pants+218
8200Do-Maru (L)38
9207Chain Mail+1 (L)28
10193Robes (L) +129
11226Burgonet Helm59
1477Mystic Spear72
16469Bonebasher Staff12
1786Staff of Doom111
19792Philosopher's Shield716
20342Cure Paralysis Powder816
21429Resurrection Powder112
22777Ring of Beasts112
23495Granite Ring312
24293Bat Necklace212
25668Ring of Protection416
26101Fire Stix517
27337Potion of Hv. Heal1017
28348Potion of Cure Disease217
29345Potion of Hv. Stamina917
30264Magic Nectar417
3147Potion of Razor Cloak66
32144Round Shield66
33147Heater Shield521
34396Scroll of Fireball820
35537Book of Elements420
36526Book of Mindread320
37517Book of Webs219
38360Flash Powder119
39362Dust of Banishment518
40354Ice Bomb71

55. Higardi A
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1596Spiked Boots018
2356Death Bomb50

56. Higardi B
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
199Throwing Knife1024
2570Key to Marten's Tomb00

57. Marten Chest
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1377Renaissance Lute04
2473Hunter's Bow04
3112Enchanted Bow117
4337Potion of Hv. Heal917
5336Potion of Mod. Heal517
6339Potion of Restoration217
7488Renewal Potion718
8349Holy Water513
9313Death Shroud520
10558Book of Toxic Cloud17
11152Ebony Plate (U)38
12184Ebony Plate (L)48
13199Stud-Cuir Skirt+284
14115Seige Arbalest1010
15235Steel Gauntlets419
16269Smelling Salts61
1724Maiden Head25
18125Bundle of Arrows95
19128Bundle of Armor Piercers45
20130Bundle of Mystic Arrows25
21138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels95
22139Bundle of Lightning Bolts320
23545Book of Whirlwinds720
24550Book of Heal All320
25551Book of Hexes820
26368Book of Resting320
27438Book of Lesser Cures920
28539Book of Fire21
2961The Avenger321
30402Scroll of Resurrect921
31384Scroll of Magic Screen421
32395Scroll of Haste821
33425Scroll of Identify921
34407Scroll of Rest All321
35428Scroll of Cure Poison99
36754Brilliant Helm42
3774Faust Halberd11
3837Estoc De Olivia62
3981Zatoichi Bo33
40106Death Star70

58. Antone drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
14Poison Dagger21
311Enchanted Broadsword52
482Quarter Staff92
584Holy Basher52
852War Hammer31
11110Short Bow54
12111Long Bow54
13114Heavy Crossbow54
14117Wrist Rocket54
15113Light Crossbow52
1877Mystic Spear12
1974Faust Halberd71
2051Enchanted Wakizashi66
21142Dragon Kite16
22143Buckler Shield56
23144Round Shield87
24148Plate Mail (U)27
25154Bronze Cuirass47
26177Chain Hauberk88
27181Plate Mail (L)18
28186Bronze Greaves38
29206Chain Chausses79
30213Bascinet & Camail99
31210Steel Helm69
32227Mail Coif310
33235Steel Gauntlets110
34237Cuir Gauntlets510
35241Mail Mittens710
36240Mantis Gloves811
38252Chain Hosen311
39251Mantis Boots25
40125Bundle of Arrows90

59. He'Li drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1258Canned Elemental919
2269Smelling Salts117
3488Renewal Potion317
446Potion of Dracon Breath823
6269Smelling Salts1023
8359Sneeze Powder216
9100Icicle Stix516
10332Mana Stone516
11331Knock Picks1016
12429Resurrection Powder516
13102Rocket Stix516
14108Sparkle Stix323
16360Flash Powder318
17349Holy Water821
18386Scroll of Terror421
19396Scroll of Fireball721
20404Scroll of Crush218
21353Stink Bomb518
22350Cherry Bomb619
23360Flash Powder819
24359Sneeze Powder1017
2547Potion of Razor Cloak317
26338Potion of Superman417
2746Potion of Dracon Breath717
28341Potion of Cure Poison1017
29337Potion of Hv. Heal717
30336Potion of Mod. Heal817
31335Potion of Light Heal917
32335Potion of Light Heal105
33134Impaling Stones1013
34679Dragonhide Cloak55
36138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels25
37137Bundle of Quarrels105
38129Bundle of Viper Arrows35
39126Bundle of Shrike Arrows45
40125Bundle of Arrows101

60. Anna drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1254Amulet of Healing59
4188Suede Pants87
5157Suede Doublet97
6158Quilt Tunic107
7155Flak Vest37
8166Robes (U) +128
9193Robes (L) +1511
10249Leather Boots57
11158Quilt Tunic107
12170Fur Halter510
13242Copper Gloves511
15368Book of Resting421
16384Scroll of Magic Screen321
17385Scroll of Magic Missiles821
18386Scroll of Terror421
19396Scroll of Fireball721
20404Scroll of Crush27
21157Suede Doublet57
22158Quilt Tunic68
23189Leather Legging88
24188Suede Pants108
25187Cloth Pants38
26192Robes (L)47
27156Cloth Shirt77
28153Leather Cuirass1017
29337Potion of Hv. Heal717
30336Potion of Mod. Heal817
31335Potion of Light Heal917
32335Potion of Light Heal104
33767Doubleshot Sling105
34130Bundle of Mystic Arrows55
36138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels25
37137Bundle of Quarrels105
38129Bundle of Viper Arrows35
39126Bundle of Shrike Arrows45
40125Bundle of Arrows101

61. Vi drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1154Bronze Cuirass08
2189Leather Legging01
5132Bullet Stones017
6335Potion of Light Heal018
7350Cherry Bomb017
8338Potion of Superman519
9269Smelling Salts919
10364Concussion Powder819
11360Flash Powder218
12352Acid Bomb30

62. Myles drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1153Leather Cuirass08
2188Suede Pants01
499Throwing Knife011
7132Bullet Stones017
8335Potion of Light Heal017
9341Potion of Cure Poison012
10254Amulet of Healing112
11491Tinker's Carryall Bracers112
12495Granite Ring117
13337Potion of Hv. Heal917
14345Potion of Hv. Stamina918
15258Canned Elemental120
16442Book of Sleep116
17100Icicle Stix118
18351Fire Bomb117
1946Potion of Dracon Breath1019
20282Dust of Dessication10

63. Urq drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1668Ring of Protection07
2156Cloth Shirt08
3187Cloth Pants04
5133Spike Stones011
7269Smelling Salts519
8269Smelling Salts318
9351Fire Bomb117
10337Potion of Hv. Heal917
11264Magic Nectar617
12264Magic Nectar417
13264Magic Nectar20

64. Madras drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1496Ring of Breezes07
2156Cloth Shirt08
3187Cloth Pants02
482Quarter Staff04
5602Omnigun Mk 405
6134Impaling Stones011
7249Leather Boots015
8682Duct Tape515
9683Lightning Rod515
1111Enchanted Broadsword718
12353Stink Bomb619
13360Flash Powder516
14429Resurrection Powder418
15306Boom Bomb316
16100Icicle Stix216
17332Mana Stone121
18395Scroll of Haste621
19384Scroll of Magic Screen819
20357Devil Dust30

65. Burz Drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1335Potion of Light Heal1017
2335Potion of Light Heal105
3132Bullet Stones95
4125Bundle of Arrows85
5137Bundle of Quarrels83
699Throwing Knife73
9188Suede Pants54
10110Short Bow94
11113Light Crossbow410
12239Chamois Gloves56
13143Buckler Shield78
14185Leather Greaves811
17143Buckler Shield48
18187Cloth Pants610
19235Steel Gauntlets211
20249Leather Boots510
21241Mail Mittens34
22112Enchanted Bow47
23171Stud-Cuir Bra+248
24181Plate Mail (L)36
25142Dragon Kite11
2617Bearded War Axe611
27244Silver Sollerets25
28129Bundle of Viper Arrows21
2923Morning Star61
3052War Hammer88
31193Robes (L) +147
32160Oliveskin Doublet54
3488Staff of Blessing42
36353Stink Bomb1019
37358Faerie Dust69
38215Leather Helm107
39161Studded Hauberk618
40356Death Bomb11

66. Trynnie Chief drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1470Chieftan's Sceptre012
2261Ring of Stars512
3262Ring of Sanity818
4258Canned Elemental38
5186Bronze Greaves107
6161Studded Hauberk54
7117Wrist Rocket53
9103Feather Darts93
1099Throwing Knife51
114Poison Dagger61
129Bastard Sword81
1323Morning Star101
1776Awl Pike57
18153Leather Cuirass47
19154Bronze Cuirass28
20185Leather Greaves78
21186Bronze Greaves39
24313Death Shroud12
2573Raven's Bill217
26336Potion of Mod. Heal917
27337Potion of Hv. Heal920
28447Book of Terror120
29378Book of Removal221
30402Scroll of Resurrect821
31396Scroll of Fireball721
32388Scroll of Slow621
33390Scroll of Freeze Flesh417
34341Potion of Cure Poison518
35353Stink Bomb319
36359Sneeze Powder817
37339Potion of Restoration517
3846Potion of Dracon Breath312
39668Ring of Protection116
40332Mana Stone20

67. Trynnie Shaman drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1647Spirit Staff012
2257Amulet of Airs512
3287Amulet of Rainbows38
4185Leather Greaves25
5132Bullet Stones95
6133Spike Stones75
7134Impaling Stones45
8136Medusa Stones219
9360Flash Powder1019
10364Concussion Powder519
11357Devil Dust27
12162Jazeraint Tunic17
13153Leather Cuirass810
14239Chamois Gloves817
15338Potion of Superman918
16258Canned Elemental52
1776Awl Pike62
1877Mystic Spear49
20221Phrygian Cap39
21222Flynn's Cap41
225Thieves Dagger11
2325Diamond Eyes13
24104Poison Dart93
26315Cloak of Perception317
27348Potion of Cure Disease617
28488Renewal Potion612
29254Amulet of Healing112
30271Ankh of Might317
31264Magic Nectar419
32269Smelling Salts517
33347Potion of Cure Light Condition617
34598Potion of Guardian Angel717
3546Potion of Dracon Breath512
36493Aqua Ring516
37429Resurrection Powder816
38331Knock Picks816
39100Icicle Stix1024
40421Key of Serenity00

68. Fuzzfas drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1471Dead Frog017
246Potion of Dracon Breath817
347Potion of Razor Cloak717
469Eye for an Eye Potion617
5260Granite Potion517
6264Magic Nectar417
7317Pickmeup Potion317
8335Potion of Light Heal917
9336Potion of Mod. Heal617
10337Potion of Hv. Heal417
11338Potion of Superman217
12339Potion of Restoration117
1346Potion of Dracon Breath917
14341Potion of Cure Poison617
15345Potion of Hv. Stamina417
16347Potion of Cure Light Condition217
17712Glowing Goo017
18713Orange Goo026
19451Mystery Potion026
20434Blue Marble019
21269Smelling Salts1019
22357Devil Dust319
23359Sneeze Powder919
24360Flash Powder619
25364Concussion Powder419
26362Dust of Banishment218
27258Canned Elemental118
28306Boom Bomb918
29343Napalm Bomb618
30351Fire Bomb418
31349Holy Water821
32385Scroll of Magic Missiles321
33393Scroll of Armorplate621
34396Scroll of Fireball821
35406Scroll of Remove Curse221
36404Scroll of Crush820
37426Book of Traps520
38444Book of Energy320
39439Book of Corrosion220
40448Book of Wounding10

69. Braffit drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1264Magic Nectar917
2317Pickmeup Potion617
3335Potion of Light Heal817
4336Potion of Mod. Heal717
5337Potion of Hv. Heal617
6339Potion of Restoration517
7488Renewal Potion417
8345Potion of Hv. Stamina317
9346Potion of Mod. Stamina217
10348Potion of Cure Disease817
11347Potion of Cure Light Condition116
12429Resurrection Powder620
13368Book of Resting220
14374Book of Blessings020
15440Book of Healing317
16335Potion of Light Heal917
17335Potion of Light Heal117
18336Potion of Mod. Heal517
19336Potion of Mod. Heal817
20337Potion of Hv. Heal320
21368Book of Resting920
22440Book of Healing720
23480Book of Holy Water520
24479Book of Angels321
25425Scroll of Identify1021
26402Scroll of Resurrect519
27269Smelling Salts919
28269Smelling Salts120
29521Book of Poison Cures81
3019Anointed Flail720
31520Book of Paralysis Cures620
32379Book of Banishing520
33535Book of Disease Cures420
34541Book of Souls320
35482Book of Missiles220
36478Book of Enchantment120
37448Book of Wounding817
38337Potion of Hv. Heal917
39346Potion of Mod. Stamina920
40535Book of Disease Cures10

70. Dragon Head Chest
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1429Resurrection Powder119
2357Devil Dust117
3264Magic Nectar518
4353Stink Bomb816
5100Icicle Stix1017
6348Potion of Cure Disease50

71. Don Barlone Drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1578Astral Dominae03
299Throwing Knife51
35Thieves Dagger07
4163Chamail Doublet+298
5191Chamail Pants+2911
6249Leather Boots212
7285Amulet of Asphyxiate512
8274Ankh of Dexterity517
9488Renewal Potion218
10356Death Bomb818
11343Napalm Bomb819
12361Dust of Defection419
13282Dust of Dessication217
14337Potion of Hv. Heal917
15338Potion of Superman321
16406Scroll of Remove Curse521
17396Scroll of Fireball120
18371Book of Detection23
19104Poison Dart917
20488Renewal Potion318
21353Stink Bomb913
22319Midnight Cloak616
23429Resurrection Powder718
24352Acid Bomb23
26269Smelling Salts217
27341Potion of Cure Poison41
2829Cane of Corpus500

72. Rattus drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
3159Leather Hauberk08
4189Leather Legging018
5353Stink Bomb517
6335Potion of Light Heal917
7339Potion of Restoration512
8272Ankh of Youth212
9593Amulet of Static212
10255Amulet of Spiders226
11637Rattus Note017
12335Potion of Light Heal612
13273Ankh of Speed720
14444Book of Energy519
15269Smelling Salts211
16248Rubber Shoe (1)910
17238Silken Gloves71
19764Throwing Stiletto83
20762Doom Darts710
21236Silver Gloves59

73. Higardi C
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1350Cherry Bomb019
2360Flash Powder917
3339Potion of Restoration517
4345Potion of Hv. Stamina10

74. Swamp House
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1240Mantis Gloves105
2128Bundle of Armor Piercers910
3235Steel Gauntlets31
5676Doublestrike Dagger917
6337Potion of Hv. Heal1017
7337Potion of Hv. Heal517
8341Potion of Cure Poison81
1044Stave of Silence910
11236Silver Gloves79
12224Mitre De Sanct621
13389Scroll of Knock Knock1014
14590Horn of Fear17
15173Do-Maru (U)18
16200Do-Maru (L)19
17232Ebony Heaume49
19178Chain Mail+1 (U)720
20542Book of Summoning217
21488Renewal Potion95
22127Bundle of Barbed Arrows720
23449Book of Holding51
25182Plate Mail+2 (L)25
26127Bundle of Barbed Arrows75
27139Bundle of Lightning Bolts85
28135Ta-Li Stones618
29350Cherry Bomb37
30150Plate Mail+2 (U)219
31355Skeleton Powder43
32762Doom Darts58
33182Plate Mail+2 (L)218
34258Canned Elemental110
35236Silver Gloves817
36329Potion of Haste56
37142Dragon Kite413
38318Shadow Cloak87
39167Robes of Enchant(U)612
40285Amulet of Asphyxiate10

75. Crock drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1746Eau D'Rapax Perfume015
2722Magic Polish015
3706Large Prism015
4714Voltage Amplifier05
5125Bundle of Arrows95
6127Bundle of Barbed Arrows15
7766Bundle of Precision Arrows55
8132Bullet Stones85
9136Medusa Stones25
10137Bundle of Quarrels55
11138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels811
13244Silver Sollerets41
14676Doublestrike Dagger212
15254Amulet of Healing120
16539Book of Fire120
17544Book of Fiery Rings320
18546Book of Insight320
19536Book of Ego Whip420
20532Book of Acid420
21540Book of Ice67
22153Leather Cuirass91
23665Disruptor Mace84
24117Wrist Rocket72
2580Hayai Bo67
26180Ninja Garb (U)108
27209Ninja Garb (L)1018
28258Canned Elemental412
29668Ring of Protection612
30267Ring Pro Magic320
31537Book of Elements25
32766Bundle of Precision Arrows81
34665Disruptor Mace104
35114Heavy Crossbow91
37173Do-Maru (U)78
38200Do-Maru (L)79
39230Ninja Cowl1016
40429Resurrection Powder40

76. Marten Drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1579Destinae Dominus013
2313Death Shroud024
3570Key to Marten's Tomb00

77. Generic High Level Treasure
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
111Enchanted Broadsword101
224Maiden Head41
345Staff Pro Paralysis11
5675The Ripper119
6362Dust of Banishment89
7226Burgonet Helm49
8228Coif of Divinemail47
9179Gown(U) of Divinemail48
10208Gown(L) of Divinemail410
11240Mantis Gloves36
12144Round Shield92
14469Bonebasher Staff913
15679Dragonhide Cloak512
16499Locket of Reflection812
17271Ankh of Might912
18273Ankh of Speed319
19357Devil Dust918
20258Canned Elemental15
21130Bundle of Mystic Arrows105
22136Medusa Stones105
23139Bundle of Lightning Bolts106
24792Philosopher's Shield63
25764Throwing Stiletto67
26166Robes (U) +198
27193Robes (L) +191
2814Crusader's 2H Axe +111
2957Vorpal Blade28
30197Chamois Skirt41
3137Estoc De Olivia120
32558Book of Toxic Cloud620
33556Book of Sanity520
34551Book of Hexes416
35342Cure Paralysis Powder816
36429Resurrection Powder717
3769Eye for an Eye Potion717
38345Potion of Hv. Stamina1017
39264Magic Nectar1017
40337Potion of Hv. Heal101

78. Kunar drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1560Kunar's Key024
2622IUF Top Security Pass (fake)026
3656Umpani Flag07
4172Breast Plate218
5352Acid Bomb711
6249Leather Boots31
8125Bundle of Arrows58
9188Suede Pants81
1023Morning Star82
1176Awl Pike72
1280Hayai Bo12
1382Quarter Staff916
14331Knock Picks53
15103Feather Darts103
16104Poison Dart85
17133Spike Stones85
18126Bundle of Shrike Arrows85
19138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels84
21124Blunder Buss15
24337Potion of Hv. Heal917
25346Potion of Mod. Stamina817
26348Potion of Cure Disease718
27306Boom Bomb618
28353Stink Bomb518
29351Fire Bomb49
31210Steel Helm817
32264Magic Nectar42
34143Buckler Shield620
35370Book of Knocks520
36483Book of Razors220
37519Book of Chameleons120
38518Book of Armorplate120
39437Book of Light920
40444Book of Energy00

79. Constable drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1456Constable's Key023
2474Bonecrusher Brew519
3360Flash Powder27
4178Chain Mail+1 (U)417
546Potion of Dracon Breath311
711Enchanted Broadsword723
8340Fuzzfas Fizzer519
9269Smelling Salts812
10496Ring of Breezes10

80. Jailer drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1177Chain Hauberk00

81. Ferro drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1624Armory Key07
2148Plate Mail (U)57
3150Plate Mail+2 (U)11
411Enchanted Broadsword41
6244Silver Sollerets76
7142Dragon Kite28
8181Plate Mail (L)78
9206Chain Chausses95
10126Bundle of Shrike Arrows85
11130Bundle of Mystic Arrows45
12138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels95
13765Bundle of Fear Bolts45
14135Ta-Li Stones720
15542Book of Summoning120
16556Book of Sanity520
17547Book of Statues71
2051Enchanted Wakizashi718
21356Death Bomb621
22425Scroll of Identify521
23425Scroll of Identify117
24337Potion of Hv. Heal916
25108Sparkle Stix218
26350Cherry Bomb39
29429Resurrection Powder62
3073Raven's Bill76
31142Dragon Kite86
32144Round Shield96
33143Buckler Shield1011
35244Silver Sollerets217
36337Potion of Hv. Heal817
37345Potion of Hv. Stamina710
38235Steel Gauntlets616
39100Icicle Stix57
40176Tarnished Mail40

82. Rapax King Drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1761King's Cave Key07
2178Chain Mail+1 (U)49
3232Ebony Heaume22
6235Steel Gauntlets812
7254Amulet of Healing312
8493Aqua Ring420
9558Book of Toxic Cloud120
10552Book of Death418
11356Death Bomb818
12350Cherry Bomb919
13363Pandemonium Powder219
14362Dust of Banishment617
15329Potion of Haste917
16264Magic Nectar317
1747Potion of Razor Cloak513
18679Dragonhide Cloak71
2051Enchanted Wakizashi90

83. Glumf Drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1486Glumph's Identity Tag01
4153Leather Cuirass08
5185Leather Greaves011
6249Leather Boots05
7141Musket Balls017
8335Potion of Light Heal117
9337Potion of Hv. Heal517
10345Potion of Hv. Stamina90

84. Yamir Drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
2141Musket Balls924
3621IUF Top Security Pass07
4148Plate Mail (U)58
5181Plate Mail (L)612
6254Amulet of Healing212
7273Ankh of Speed112
8668Ring of Protection717
9338Potion of Superman818
10350Cherry Bomb919
11357Devil Dust421
12384Scroll of Magic Screen823
13340Fuzzfas Fizzer30

85. Zant Drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1750Paper reading "7--"026
2672T'Rang-Mook Letter020
3542Book of Summoning12
497Stun Rod521
5396Scroll of Fireball818
6356Death Bomb212
7495Granite Ring312
8285Amulet of Asphyxiate49
9232Ebony Heaume117
10338Potion of Superman517
11339Potion of Restoration65
12130Bundle of Mystic Arrows718
13306Boom Bomb816
14429Resurrection Powder512
15254Amulet of Healing217
16336Potion of Mod. Heal920
17438Book of Lesser Cures820
18439Book of Corrosion719
19359Sneeze Powder619
20363Pandemonium Powder50

86. TRang Guarder Drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1751Paper reading "-4-"02
298Shock Rod918
3352Acid Bomb71
41Main Gauche87
5166Robes (U) +1521
6384Scroll of Magic Screen421
7396Scroll of Fireball321
8394Scroll of Enchanted Blade29
9210Steel Helm17
10154Bronze Cuirass812
11262Ring of Sanity117
12338Potion of Superman517
13337Potion of Hv. Heal521
14403Scroll of Armormelt80

87. Anselm Drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1264Magic Nectar917
2317Pickmeup Potion617
3335Potion of Light Heal817
4336Potion of Mod. Heal717
5337Potion of Hv. Heal617
6339Potion of Restoration517
7488Renewal Potion417
8345Potion of Hv. Stamina317
9346Potion of Mod. Stamina217
10348Potion of Cure Disease817
11347Potion of Cure Light Condition116
12429Resurrection Powder620
13368Book of Resting220
14374Book of Blessings520
15440Book of Healing317
16335Potion of Light Heal317
17335Potion of Light Heal917
18336Potion of Mod. Heal817
19336Potion of Mod. Heal217
20337Potion of Hv. Heal1020
21368Book of Resting220
22440Book of Healing720
23480Book of Holy Water920
24479Book of Angels121
25425Scroll of Identify421
26402Scroll of Resurrect819
27269Smelling Salts419
28362Dust of Banishment99
29224Mitre De Sanct31
3019Anointed Flail718
31258Canned Elemental30

88. Bela Drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1805Cloak of Many Colors012
2812Ring of Power00

89. Drazic Drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1230Ninja Cowl07
2180Ninja Garb (U)08
3209Ninja Garb (L)02
498Shock Rod011
5253Tabi Boots03
6104Poison Dart53
8353Stink Bomb30

90. Higardi Drop Good
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
147Potion of Razor Cloak1017
269Eye for an Eye Potion517
3260Granite Potion717
4336Potion of Mod. Heal1017
5337Potion of Hv. Heal517
6338Potion of Superman617
746Potion of Dracon Breath917
846Potion of Dracon Breath816
9429Resurrection Powder319
10269Smelling Salts419
11357Devil Dust519
12362Dust of Banishment318
13354Ice Bomb518
14351Fire Bomb41
1511Enchanted Broadsword21
17592Wand of Static34
18111Long Bow420
19374Book of Blessings77
20148Plate Mail (U)37
21154Bronze Cuirass84
22114Heavy Crossbow921
23393Scroll of Armorplate621
24395Scroll of Haste12
2573Raven's Bill12
28181Plate Mail (L)27
29177Chain Hauberk57
30176Tarnished Mail88
31206Chain Chausses69
33259Amulet of Life212
34267Ring Pro Magic212
35273Ankh of Speed112
36274Ankh of Dexterity413
37316Forest Cape512
38493Aqua Ring25
39138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels35
40129Bundle of Viper Arrows31

91. Higardi Drop Regular
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
11Main Gauche71
39Bastard Sword101
10153Leather Cuirass67
11154Bronze Cuirass47
12177Chain Hauberk218
13343Napalm Bomb318
14352Acid Bomb41
15796Enchanted Mace25
16125Bundle of Arrows105
17137Bundle of Quarrels105
18133Spike Stones105
19766Bundle of Precision Arrows101
20786Enchanted Katana417
21264Magic Nectar117
22337Potion of Hv. Heal417
23336Potion of Mod. Heal317
24336Potion of Mod. Heal917
25335Potion of Light Heal1017
26335Potion of Light Heal417
27345Potion of Hv. Stamina1017
28346Potion of Mod. Stamina54
30114Heavy Crossbow24
31113Light Crossbow54
32111Long Bow54
33110Short Bow75
34128Bundle of Armor Piercers19
35210Steel Helm105
36127Bundle of Barbed Arrows35
37126Bundle of Shrike Arrows55
38137Bundle of Quarrels105
39132Bullet Stones105
40125Bundle of Arrows101

92. Jan-Ette Drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1290Helazoid Pendant04
2121Frontier Phaser15
4146*Light* *Shield*117
5345Potion of Hv. Stamina1017
6260Granite Potion917
7264Magic Nectar717
8338Potion of Superman619
9363Pandemonium Powder217
1047Potion of Razor Cloak821
11391Scroll of Whipping Rocks521
12425Scroll of Identify50

93. Rapax Drop Regular
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
178Spear of Death47
2153Leather Cuirass87
3148Plate Mail (U)77
4163Chamail Doublet+218
5181Plate Mail (L)78
6191Chamail Pants+211
711Enchanted Broadsword51
812Saint Bastard111
9252Chain Hosen79
11174Tosei-Do (U)38
12201Tosei-Do (L)318
13353Stink Bomb621
14402Scroll of Resurrect39
15212Helm & Coif612
16284Valentine Necklace16
17802Shield of Winds512
18495Granite Ring112
19262Ring of Sanity212
20493Aqua Ring37
21177Chain Hauberk107
22176Tarnished Mail56
23143Buckler Shield106
24147Heater Shield56
25801Aqua Shield710
26235Steel Gauntlets818
27356Death Bomb721
28390Scroll of Freeze Flesh821
29404Scroll of Crush723
30474Bonecrusher Brew211
32441Book of Itching420
33526Book of Mindread220
34515Book of Slowness320
35525Book of Screens517
3669Eye for an Eye Potion617
37264Magic Nectar817
38345Potion of Hv. Stamina917
39341Potion of Cure Poison717
40337Potion of Hv. Heal101

94. Rapax Drop Good
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
111Enchanted Broadsword41
224Maiden Head11
345Staff Pro Paralysis11
5675The Ripper11
621War Scepter81
711Enchanted Broadsword82
9179Gown(U) of Divinemail18
10208Gown(L) of Divinemail110
11240Mantis Gloves36
12144Round Shield92
14469Bonebasher Staff18
15185Leather Greaves612
16499Locket of Reflection812
17271Ankh of Might47
18148Plate Mail (U)819
19357Devil Dust98
20181Plate Mail (L)107
21177Chain Hauberk108
22189Leather Legging106
23799Granite Shield83
24106Death Star16
25791Shield of Sacrifice17
26166Robes (U) +148
27193Robes (L) +141
2814Crusader's 2H Axe +111
2957Vorpal Blade22
3076Awl Pike81
3137Estoc De Olivia120
32372Book of Haste220
33484Book of Sound520
34523Book of Freezing416
35342Cure Paralysis Powder816
36429Resurrection Powder517
3769Eye for an Eye Potion817
38345Potion of Hv. Stamina1017
39264Magic Nectar1017
40337Potion of Hv. Heal101

95. Rapax Drop Archer
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1127Bundle of Barbed Arrows105
2129Bundle of Viper Arrows75
3130Bundle of Mystic Arrows38
4207Chain Mail+1 (L)28
5191Chamail Pants+218
6189Leather Legging77
7177Chain Hauberk67
8178Chain Mail+1 (U)27
9163Chamail Doublet+217
10162Jazeraint Tunic17
11159Leather Hauberk817
1247Potion of Razor Cloak717
13345Potion of Hv. Stamina517
14337Potion of Hv. Heal85
15126Bundle of Shrike Arrows411
16249Leather Boots35
17127Bundle of Barbed Arrows55
18125Bundle of Arrows105
19126Bundle of Shrike Arrows85
20128Bundle of Armor Piercers61
21796Enchanted Mace61
22797Gleaming Sword62
2353Bec De Corbin19
24210Steel Helm118
25353Stink Bomb55
26766Bundle of Precision Arrows45
27765Bundle of Fear Bolts417
2846Potion of Dracon Breath511
29252Chain Hosen50

96. Milano Drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
15Thieves Dagger03
2764Throwing Stiletto07
3162Jazeraint Tunic08
4190Stud Chausses011
5249Leather Boots018
6351Fire Bomb012
7668Ring of Protection512
8661Necklace of Endurance612
9561Ring of Life119
10359Sneeze Powder917
11337Potion of Hv. Heal1017
12338Potion of Superman723
13743Doubleman Draught522
14410Bread Rolls618
15354Ice Bomb312
16496Ring of Breezes210
17238Silken Gloves113
18319Midnight Cloak721
19408Scroll of Heal All621
20393Scroll of Armorplate50

97. Rattkin Drop Regular
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
21Main Gauche71
44Poison Dagger33
5764Throwing Stiletto63
699Throwing Knife97
7153Leather Cuirass77
8157Suede Doublet47
9159Leather Hauberk58
10189Leather Legging88
11190Stud Chausses48
12189Leather Legging59
13215Leather Helm46
14793Thieves Buckler217
15336Potion of Mod. Heal917
16346Potion of Mod. Stamina817
17341Potion of Cure Poison717
1869Eye for an Eye Potion419
19360Flash Powder719
20359Sneeze Powder513
21318Shadow Cloak118
22306Boom Bomb518
23353Stink Bomb36
24143Buckler Shield510
25239Chamois Gloves422
26410Bread Rolls523
27744Tincture of Shadows821
28388Scroll of Slow821
29392Scroll of Missile Shield721
30390Scroll of Freeze Flesh621
31396Scroll of Fireball221
32407Scroll of Rest All921
33405Scroll of Insanity521
34409Scroll of Ego Whip212
35274Ankh of Dexterity16
36790Lithe Buckler112
37492Ring of the Road112
38491Tinker's Carryall Bracers112
39755Blarneystone Amulet112
40777Ring of Beasts11

98. Rattkin Drop Archer
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1126Bundle of Shrike Arrows105
2127Bundle of Barbed Arrows85
3128Bundle of Armor Piercers75
4129Bundle of Viper Arrows65
5130Bundle of Mystic Arrows55
6131Bundle of Peacemakers15
7125Bundle of Arrows95
8126Bundle of Shrike Arrows65
9127Bundle of Barbed Arrows45
10128Bundle of Armor Piercers35
11129Bundle of Viper Arrows24
12110Short Bow64
13111Long Bow64
14771Strong Bow14
15680Doubleshot Crossbow24
16118Great Bow217
17336Potion of Mod. Heal917
18346Potion of Mod. Stamina817
19260Granite Potion419
20359Sneeze Powder819
21269Smelling Salts77
22153Leather Cuirass78
23190Stud Chausses810
24239Chamois Gloves611
25249Leather Boots512
26668Ring of Protection112
27492Ring of the Road112
28777Ring of Beasts15
29126Bundle of Shrike Arrows75
30127Bundle of Barbed Arrows66
31799Granite Shield10

99. Rodan Drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1210Steel Helm07
2178Chain Mail+1 (U)010
3239Chamois Gloves01
51Main Gauche04
7206Chain Chausses011
8249Leather Boots05
9141Musket Balls95
10141Musket Balls117
11337Potion of Hv. Heal517
12345Potion of Hv. Stamina819
13269Smelling Salts318
14351Fire Bomb80

100. Sadok Drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1337Potion of Hv. Heal1017
2336Potion of Mod. Heal517
3345Potion of Hv. Stamina817
4348Potion of Cure Disease617
5341Potion of Cure Poison917
646Potion of Dracon Breath32
797Stun Rod12
898Shock Rod01
99Bastard Sword61
12111Long Bow64
13114Heavy Crossbow44
1647Potion of Razor Cloak710
17242Copper Gloves218
18354Ice Bomb721
19425Scroll of Identify921
20393Scroll of Armorplate55
21125Bundle of Arrows105
22126Bundle of Shrike Arrows55
23137Bundle of Quarrels95
24132Bullet Stones95
25133Spike Stones39
26210Steel Helm69
28269Smelling Salts519
29360Flash Powder718
30352Acid Bomb81
32143Buckler Shield27
33148Plate Mail (U)37
34166Robes (U) +148
35193Robes (L) +1420
36530Book of Silence120
37527Book of Fumes120
38443Book of Stamina220
39445Book of Frost220
40439Book of Corrosion30

101. Savant Drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1120Cobaltine Powerglove00

102. Saxx Drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1215Leather Helm07
2153Leather Cuirass01
4185Leather Greaves04
6132Bullet Stones011
7249Leather Boots014
8585Soulful Sax017
9345Potion of Hv. Stamina917
10345Potion of Hv. Stamina417
11336Potion of Mod. Heal517
12346Potion of Mod. Stamina10

103. Sexus Drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1255Amulet of Spiders07
2166Robes (U) +108
3193Robes (L) +1012
4668Ring of Protection01
5758Rapax Mageblade011
7104Poison Dart917
8264Magic Nectar217
9337Potion of Hv. Heal417
10345Potion of Hv. Stamina70

104. Sparkle Drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1220Feathered Hat07
2159Leather Hauberk01
3677Hand Axe04
4110Short Bow05
5125Bundle of Arrows08
6189Leather Legging011
7249Leather Boots017
8336Potion of Mod. Heal919
9269Smelling Salts118
10352Acid Bomb45
11125Bundle of Arrows70

105. Tantris Drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
2173Do-Maru (U)08
3200Do-Maru (L)010
4241Mail Mittens02
598Shock Rod017
6337Potion of Hv. Heal91
8337Potion of Hv. Heal119
9360Flash Powder717
10341Potion of Cure Poison50

106. Trang Drop Good
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
198Shock Rod105
2128Bundle of Armor Piercers92
397Stun Rod31
5676Doublestrike Dagger917
6337Potion of Hv. Heal1017
7337Potion of Hv. Heal517
8341Potion of Cure Poison81
1044Stave of Silence910
11236Silver Gloves79
12224Mitre De Sanct621
13389Scroll of Knock Knock1014
14590Horn of Fear17
15173Do-Maru (U)18
16200Do-Maru (L)19
17232Ebony Heaume49
19178Chain Mail+1 (U)720
20542Book of Summoning217
21488Renewal Potion95
22127Bundle of Barbed Arrows720
23449Book of Holding51
25182Plate Mail+2 (L)25
26127Bundle of Barbed Arrows75
27139Bundle of Lightning Bolts85
28135Ta-Li Stones618
29350Cherry Bomb37
30150Plate Mail+2 (U)219
31355Skeleton Powder43
32762Doom Darts58
33182Plate Mail+2 (L)218
34258Canned Elemental110
35236Silver Gloves817
36329Potion of Haste56
37142Dragon Kite413
38318Shadow Cloak87
39167Robes of Enchant(U)612
40285Amulet of Asphyxiate11

107. Trang Drop Regular
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
128Short Staff105
2126Bundle of Shrike Arrows92
382Quarter Staff31
5677Hand Axe917
6335Potion of Light Heal1017
7336Potion of Mod. Heal517
8341Potion of Cure Poison81
923Morning Star21
11241Mail Mittens79
12214Wizard's Cone621
13389Scroll of Knock Knock1014
14590Horn of Fear17
15173Do-Maru (U)18
16200Do-Maru (L)19
17212Helm & Coif49
19161Studded Hauberk720
20445Book of Frost217
21339Potion of Restoration95
22125Bundle of Arrows720
23370Book of Knocks51
25191Chamail Pants+225
26126Bundle of Shrike Arrows75
27138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels85
28133Spike Stones618
29349Holy Water37
30148Plate Mail (U)219
31357Devil Dust43
32762Doom Darts58
33181Plate Mail (L)218
34258Canned Elemental110
35242Copper Gloves817
3646Potion of Dracon Breath56
37143Buckler Shield413
38318Shadow Cloak87
39167Robes of Enchant(U)612
40285Amulet of Asphyxiate11

108. Umpani Drop Good
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
4124Blunder Buss15
5141Musket Balls95
6141Musket Balls55
7141Musket Balls117
8345Potion of Hv. Stamina91
10252Chain Hosen912
11494Brimstone Ring417
12338Potion of Superman716
13342Cure Paralysis Powder921
14405Scroll of Insanity819
15364Concussion Powder76
16801Aqua Shield18
17185Leather Greaves818
18351Fire Bomb721
19425Scroll of Identify617
20346Potion of Mod. Stamina77
21177Chain Hauberk35
22138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels58
23181Plate Mail (L)510
24242Copper Gloves47
25148Plate Mail (U)52
27226Burgonet Helm317
28337Potion of Hv. Heal1017
29488Renewal Potion37
30178Chain Mail+1 (U)217
31341Potion of Cure Poison81
33402Scroll of Resurrect912
34668Ring of Protection42
3587Staff of Charming24
36114Heavy Crossbow68
37206Chain Chausses612
38311Bracers of Defense19
4033Sword of 4 Winds11

109. Umpani Drop Regular
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
2127Bundle of Barbed Arrows72
4161Studded Hauberk81
523Morning Star716
6100Icicle Stix101
817Bearded War Axe88
9188Suede Pants77
10153Leather Cuirass1017
11341Potion of Cure Poison911
12249Leather Boots89
13227Mail Coif721
14392Scroll of Missile Shield611
16390Scroll of Freeze Flesh321
17393Scroll of Armorplate218
18354Ice Bomb26
19147Heater Shield519
20361Dust of Defection15
21133Spike Stones921
22396Scroll of Fireball518
23356Death Bomb110
24242Copper Gloves48
25206Chain Chausses47
26177Chain Hauberk39
27213Bascinet & Camail320
28426Book of Traps34
29117Wrist Rocket15
30131Bundle of Peacemakers212
31499Locket of Reflection11
3211Enchanted Broadsword12
3378Spear of Death11
3536Sword of Hearts19
36220Feathered Hat56
37802Shield of Winds112
38276Ankh of Life14
39113Light Crossbow81

110. Trynnie Drop Regular
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1125Bundle of Arrows105
2126Bundle of Shrike Arrows55
3132Bullet Stones85
4133Spike Stones35
5137Bundle of Quarrels105
6138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels54
7117Wrist Rocket122
8410Bread Rolls33
9103Feather Darts93
1099Throwing Knife51
114Poison Dagger11
129Bastard Sword81
1323Morning Star101
1776Awl Pike57
18153Leather Cuirass47
19154Bronze Cuirass28
20185Leather Greaves78
21186Bronze Greaves39
24265Mystic's Ring12
2573Raven's Bill117
26336Potion of Mod. Heal1017
27337Potion of Hv. Heal96
28802Shield of Winds17
29156Cloth Shirt721
30402Scroll of Resurrect48
31187Cloth Pants721
32385Scroll of Magic Missiles621
33425Scroll of Identify417
34341Potion of Cure Poison518
35353Stink Bomb319
36359Sneeze Powder817
37339Potion of Restoration39
39668Ring of Protection117
40264Magic Nectar41

111. umpani rocket
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
269Eye for an Eye Potion56
3792Philosopher's Shield717
4336Potion of Mod. Heal1017
5337Potion of Hv. Heal517
6338Potion of Superman617
746Potion of Dracon Breath917
846Potion of Dracon Breath816
9429Resurrection Powder319
10269Smelling Salts419
11357Devil Dust519
12362Dust of Banishment318
13354Ice Bomb518
14351Fire Bomb41
17592Wand of Static34
18111Long Bow420
19449Book of Holding77
20148Plate Mail (U)37
21154Bronze Cuirass84
22114Heavy Crossbow921
23393Scroll of Armorplate621
24395Scroll of Haste12
2573Raven's Bill12
2686Staff of Doom12
28181Plate Mail (L)27
29177Chain Hauberk57
30176Tarnished Mail88
31206Chain Chausses69
33254Amulet of Healing112
34267Ring Pro Magic212
35273Ankh of Speed112
36274Ankh of Dexterity413
37316Forest Cape512
38259Amulet of Life15
39138Bundle of Hunter Quarrels35
40129Bundle of Viper Arrows31

112. Higardi Bandit Drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
21Main Gauche61
34Poison Dagger11
999Throwing Knife103
10764Throwing Stiletto33
11104Poison Dart73
13215Leather Helm89
15157Suede Doublet67
16156Cloth Shirt37
17158Quilt Tunic97
18159Leather Hauberk38
19187Cloth Pants68
20188Suede Pants88
21189Leather Legging36
22144Round Shield710
23239Chamois Gloves517
24336Potion of Mod. Heal1017
25346Potion of Mod. Stamina817
2647Potion of Razor Cloak523
28744Tincture of Shadows419
29359Sneeze Powder1019
30360Flash Powder519
31357Devil Dust318
32306Boom Bomb618
33350Cherry Bomb217
34337Potion of Hv. Heal113
35318Shadow Cloak321
36425Scroll of Identify811
37773Ariel's Slippers213
38776Prospero's Cloak19
39775Puck's Cap21
40774Mercucio's Blade10

113. Rapax Female Drop
No. No. 名前 確率 ?
1171Stud-Cuir Bra+222
294Cat'o Nine Tails17
3166Robes (U) +188
4193Robes (L) +182
614Crusader's 2H Axe +1212
7288Golden Medallion11
85Thieves Dagger310
9241Mail Mittens87
10168Black Gown of Death(U)28
11195Black Gown of Death(L)220
12524Book of Lures520
13535Book of Disease Cures620
14483Book of Razors720
15519Book of Chameleons410
16238Silken Gloves17
17161Studded Hauberk51
1844Stave of Silence21
1942Wand of Winds419
20361Dust of Defection81
2115Axe of Many Runes112
22668Ring of Protection19
23230Ninja Cowl58
24191Chamail Pants+2110
25239Chamois Gloves513
26667Oilskin Cloak51
27786Enchanted Katana511
28807Winged Boots59
29214Wizard's Cone56
30790Lithe Buckler56
31792Philosopher's Shield44
32794Greenwood Bow512
33276Ankh of Life45
34129Bundle of Viper Arrows95
35136Medusa Stones93
36106Death Star93
37764Throwing Stiletto920
38544Book of Fiery Rings220
39554Book of Purification120
40426Book of Traps51